Ages 3 to 5 years
Class size of 24
Our Preschool/Pre-K program focuses on a positive attitude towards learning. It is proven that there is a higher retention rate if the subject matter is fun and meaningful to the child. Our team of dedicated teachers designs our curriculum with curiosity in mind. Our goal is to allow the children to learn more about their world, and themselves, through observing, questioning, experiencing, and experimenting. There are opportunities for writing, hands-on activities, movement and books on display that promote rhyming and repetition. Our classroom is designed to ready your child for kindergarten by teaching self regulation, delayed gratification along with letters, letter sounds, math concepts and social skills in small group instruction, independent play and whole group activities.
Children must be fully potty trained to enroll.
Sample Daily Schedule
8:00am – Arrival / Small Table Activities / Sensory
(Science, Math, Manipulatives, Language, Literacy)
9:00am – Circle Time / Zoo-phonics / Spanish
(Daily Concepts, Calendar, Sign Language, Choose Love, High Frequency Words)
9:30am – Snack / Handwashing / Bathroom
10:00am – Small Group Activities / Open Centers
(Science, Math, Writing, Cultural & Social Studies, Blocks, Dramatic Play)
11:30am – Lunch / Manners / Handwashing / Bathroom
12:00pm – Outside Free Play / Bathroom
12:15pm – Morning Pick-up (Late fees apply at 12:30pm)
1:00pm – Yoga / Story Time / Music
1:30pm – Small Group Activities / Open Centers
(Art, Science, Math, Writing, Cultural & Social Studies, Blocks, Dramatic Play)
2:30pm – Snack / Handwashing / Bathroom
2:45pm – Full Day Pick-up (Late fees apply at 3:00pm)
3:00pm – Outside Free Play
4:00pm – Small Table Activities
(Science, Sensory, Math, Manipulatives, Language, Literacy)
5:15pm – Stay & Play Pick-up (Late fees apply at 5:30pm)